Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well, the first full day at home in the holidays has left me with ALMOST absolutely nothing to do, normally i'd sleep till almost noon, but noooo, the neighbours stupid baby started bawling her eyes out in the wee hours of the morning, and still going strong.

Adding to that, one of my neighbours - 2 houses down and on the other side of the road - recently got THREE dogs. It's like someone recorded a full half hour of barking, put the cd player on loop and went "heh... muahaaha MUAHAH mUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH".

Eh, that's what i get for keeping my windows open. The dogs do eventually get tired and shut the hell up at about 1 or 2.

Anyway, time for introductions -

ISAAC (My dog):

6 years old now, German shepherd cross labrador. Tends to get very very hyperactive whenever something interesting happens i.e. going out for a walk or car trip. HA, everytime we open the car door now, she'll jump in and refuse to get out, in the hope we go on some road trip. So then we have to push and shove until she finally gets off the car and trots away with an annoyed grunt or two, pretty much the dogs' equal of flipping the bird as you walk away.

INTERESTING history to her name. When we first got her, we honestly thought she was a male cause she was going around barging into the rest of her litter and seemed to be the "strongest", so, we named her isaac (no idea why, just an impulse thing).

TWO MONTHS LATER, after more than doubling in size, i saw her, uh, pee. THen i thought, don't male dogs lift a leg or something?... T'was then we realized it was a female. Since she wouldn't respond to any other name, we had to stay with Isaac. Now i have to go around explaining this to people that meet her, haha.

ME (well my hand at least) Supercloseup of Isaac:

My Computer Screen:

Er, rather not disclose too much, this being able to be read by anyone on the net and all.

My music listening habits: <- started using this not too long ago, pretty cool for looking at the stats some of the apps give.

OVERFRIEDSPAM - came from my recent like of fried spam, if you haven't tried it, TRY IT. It's so much better than plain spam out of the can.

Honestly, this blog is more for various rantings and/or as some sort of stress relief. So, if you do happen to read this (and any later blogs), don't come asking what the hell i'm going on about.

I'm off to go stalk other blogspots (which are pretty interesting to read, heh. Some people just have that flair for informal storytelling).


  1. HEY MAN.

    When i saw this, i was like, nah, it can't be his. THEN I SAW YOUR DOG, i swear shes got smaller since the last time i saw her :P

    im gonna stalk this page from now on...

    PS. Post pics of the rest of your gear! as well as any other pics. i likes pics
